Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Pick the pieces by Dennis Okyere Brako

 Pick the pieces by Dennis Okyere Brako

With careful measure I was built with treasure
Gleaming in splendor I was painted in leisure
Beyond measure my talents were forever
Graceful and lively I paced like the Piper  

Then came the storms I really dreaded
Every cell and muscle, cruelly shredded
Bleeding in pain, it was disguised as lessons
Shrouded in despair, I overlooked the blessings

Forlorn and cold I forgot the Creator
Self-imposed I lived in terror
Talents and abilities, thrown in the gutter
The spite of many, I could hardly gather

In silent reflections, I won’t be naive
Why should I ponder till the edge of my grave?
The pain of leaving my abilities untrained!   
And all the talents I would fail to maintain!

No matter the cost, I’ll pick the pieces
Resolutely bounce on the foundation of lessons
I’ll build from the remnants, the tower of the forgotten
Towards my goal; the trophy of blessings

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