Saturday, February 27, 2016

My volcano by Dennis Okyere Brako

My volcano by Dennis Okyere Brako

Stretching forth into the heavens
Lies the mountain of the Vikings
Its peak smothered with ashes of ages
Memories of old forgone centuries

Hollowed and untroubled are the mighty peaks
Home of bats are its yawning caves
Overshadowed in silence the foggy ice
Quietly isolated and left in peace

Wherefore in the distance billows the other
Spitting smoke, fire and lava
Rumbling within the never resting magma
Endlessly smoking in awe and wonder

I looked and behold I will be the later
Lava of passion will I sputter
Resolutely boil my molten magma
Spout my torch I will not mutter 

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