Thursday, April 24, 2014

Moving forward by James W. Foley

Moving forward by James W. Foley

'Tis not by wishing that we gain the prize,
Nor yet by ruing,
But from our falling, learning to rise,
And tireless doing.

The idols broken, nor our tears and sighs,
May yet restore them.
Regret is only for fools; the wise
Look but before them.

Nor ever yet Success was wooed with tears;
To notes of gladness
Alone the fickle goddess turns her ears,
She hears not sadness.

Look not behind the: there is only dust
And vain regretting.
The lost tide ebbs; in the next flood thou must
Learn, by forgetting.

For the lost chances be ye not distressed
To endless weeping;
Be not the thrush that o'er the empty nest
Is vigil keeping.

But in new efforts our regrets today
To stillness whiling
Let us in some pure purpose find the way
To future smiling.

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