Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Two Frogs, Author Unknown

The Two Frogs, Author Unknown

Two frogs fell in a deep bowl.
One was an optimistic soul,
But the other took the gloomy view.
"We shall drown” and he cried without more ado

So with a last despairing cry, 
he flung up his legs and said goodbye.
The other frog quoted with a merry grin, 
"I can't get out, but I won't give in!"

I'll  just swim around till my strength is spent,
then will I die the more content. 
Bravely he swam till it would seem, 
His struggles began to churn the cream

On top of the butter at last he stopped,
and out of the bowl he gaily hopped.
What is the moral?  'Tis easily found
if you can't hop out, keep swimming around

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